Key Roles
Appropriate Body (AB)
Quality assuring the support of ECTs - the Appropriate Body is responsible for overseeing the assessment programme for ECTs against the Teachers' Standards. The role of the AB is to quality assure the statutory teacher Induction on behalf of the DfE.
Monitoring assessment of ECTs – based on the Induction Tutor's and Headteacher’s recommendation, the AB makes the final decision as to whether the ECT has satisfactorily met the Teachers' Standards, and therefore successfully completed their Induction phase. The AB report the completion of Induction to the Teaching Regulation Agency (TRA).
Early Career Teachers
Continue to meet the Teachers' Standards - demonstrating ongoing development in teaching practice against the Teachers' Standards; working collaboratively with Induction Tutor as their formal assessor. Keep records of and reflect on the feedback of lesson observations, share progress towards the Teachers' Standards to aid the writing of Progress Reviews and Formal Assessments. Seek out best practice from expert teachers to continue to inform practice.
Engage with the Early Career Framework (ECF) - participate fully in the ECF training programme by completing the self-study elements of the programme, attending the associated training sessions as well as meeting with their Mentor and Induction Tutor as required.
Induction Tutors
Assess the ECT against the Teachers' Standards - observe the ECT formally at least once per term and meet with the ECT every half term to discuss progress against the Teachers’ Standards. Complete Progress Reviews and Formal Assessments throughout the Induction phase.
Co-ordinate support and guidance for the ECT - ensure the ECT is engaging with an ECF-based programme and any other school-specific professional development opportunities. Take prompt action when an ECT is having difficulties; put in place a support plan and monitor progress against this plan. Participate in Induction Tutor training with the Appropriate Body and update the Appropriate Body regularly with any issues or queries regarding the ECT.
Make recommendations to the Appropriate Body regarding the ECT's performance – at the end of the two-year Induction period. Making a recommendation to the AB on whether the ECT’s performance against the Teachers’ Standards is satisfactory, not-satisfactory or requires an extension.
In the majority of cases, ensure an ECT has a separate Mentor and Induction Tutor to undertake the two distinct roles effectively.
Induction Leads
In some cases, where a school or MAT has multiple Induction Tutors, an Induction Lead may be required to co-ordinate and quality assure the work of the Induction Tutors. The Induction Lead can also act as an Induction Tutor.
Support the ECT with the ECF-based induction programme - participate in ECF Mentor training and carry out weekly (Year 1) or fortnightly (Year 2) mentor meetings with the ECT using ECF-based materials. Support the ECT with their ECF-based learning and take prompt action where an ECT is having difficulties by discussing it with the Induction Tutor.
In the majority of cases, ensure an ECT has a separate Mentor and Induction Tutor to undertake the two distinct roles effectively.
Provide a suitable post for Induction - ensure the ECT's post and responsibilities comply with the statutory requirements for Induction. Headteachers have overall responsibility for the monitoring, support and assessment of the ECT during Induction.
Make recommendations to the Appropriate Body regarding the ECT's performance – at the end of the two-year Induction period. Making a recommendation to the AB on whether the ECT’s performance against the Teachers’ Standards is satisfactory, not-satisfactory or requires an extension.